
Find your way to L'Envol :

Quit highway A5 at exit Nr 8 (Areuse). You will soon reach a roundabout from where you follow the sign Areuse/Cortaillod.

Keep going on this road and drive uphill "Sachet" to the center of Cortaillod Village. Joining the old village on top of "Sachet" (you will see the church in front of you), follow the sign "La Poste, Transit", a sharp right turn into "Rue de la fin".

After approximately 80 m, turn right again to join "Route des Chavannes" (Speed limit 30 kmh!). Follow this road for approximately 700 m. At the next crossroad, keep to your right. You will join L'Envol after about 80 m.

A bird symbol and the logo "L'Envol" against the house wall will indicate your final destination.

Thank you for parking your car on the parking spot for "Chambres d'hôtes".

Famille GAZE

Chemin du Bois 2

2016 Cortaillod


Tel : +41 (0)79 240.55.91


E-mail : info[at]


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